Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My friend Sujin is an experienced amateur photographer. He faithfully and patiently tries to drill into me the nuances of photography. And he's beginning to understand that it's not an easy task. Yet, he courageously and generously plods on trying to make a good photographer out of me. "Try and use a Kerala towel to diffuse harsh light. It gives a `soft-box' effect," he said. So, I promptly went and borrowed (without her knowledge) my mother's fine cotton, meshed, kerala towel (she is fanatic about it) and tried to experiment with `Sujin's Soft-Box'...but there was no way i could clip the towel, so I held the towel in my left hand and shot the picture with my right hand. I don't think this is the photographic effect Sujin had in mind when he asked me to do what he asked me to do. However, I should say that the towel infact forms a fetching background!

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